Practical Meditation for Beginners .Review .


Name: Practical Meditation for Beginners: 10 Days to a Happier, Calmer You

Author : Benjamin W . Decker

Publisher: Althea press

Publication Date : 15 May 2018

Dimensions: 5,83×0,48×8,27 inches

Language :English


Website :

Link to purchase :

Practical Meditation for Beginners

I’ve been into meditation, mindfulness, and yoga for 25 years, and “Practical Meditation for Beginners” is hands down one of the best beginner’s guide I’ve come across. It’s simple, joyful, and super practical.

What I love is how the author breaks down meditation into easy-to-understand steps. No jargon, just plain language that makes it a breeze for beginners.

The author’s enthusiasm for meditation is infectious. It’s like having a friendly guide cheering you on. The book’s not preachy; it’s like having a conversation with a friend who gets why you want to meditate.

What sets it apart is the practicality. You don’t just read about meditation; you do it. The exercises are simple but powerful. They fit into your day without making you feel overwhelmed.

Whether you’re just starting or have been at it for years, this book is worth it. It’s a no-nonsense, down-to-earth guide that makes meditation something you can actually do every day.

Happy reading, and may this book brings you joy and peace.

Mindfulness eating

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  1. The book’s explanation is well said, you said it is simple, joyful, and super practical, so Practical Meditation for Beginners fits its name. If  I should start meditation after reading this book, am I sure it will empower me to meditate with confidence?  Nowadays with all the rush, and excitement in the world,  people need to be calm and relaxed, and with meditation it is possible.

  2. I like that your explanation is short sweet and to the point. However, I would have liked to have just a little context from the book. I don’t know what the copyright rules on this are, but I’m sure with proper siting of the book itself, you would be okay. I am definitely excited to learn more about the book! 

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